1、Jason was truly ---, for he squandered a great deal of money with no thought for the future.
(A) prescient (B) infallible (C) reticent (D) improvident (E) sedulous
2、The 1990`s were --- years for the organization: the staff seas happy, customers were satisfied, and profits were excellent.
(A) halcyon (B) notorious (C) somnolent (D) capricious (E) expedient
3、It is her supremely skillful use of sophisticated laboratory instruments that makes Veronica the --- research technician that she is.
(A) susceptible (B) consummate (C) visionary (D) vitriolic (E) doctrinaire
4、The critic noted that the ---tone that characterizes much of the writer`s work stands in stark contrast to his gentle disposition.
(A) benign (B) somber (C) stoic (D) conciliatory (E) strident
5、African American poet Lucille Clifton writes in a notably --- style, achieving great impact in a few unadorned words.
(A) incantatory (B) economical (C) disaffected (D) unstinting (E) evenhanded
6、The scientist --- the value of an interdisciplinary approach to environmental studies, arguing such an approach was of ---importance in promoting environmental literacy among students.
(A) invoked .. marginal (B) touted .. paramount (C) ignored .. unprecedented
(D) disparaged .. unparalleled (E) extolled .. questionable
7、Jessica was ---by Jon`s angry outburst: she literally did not know what to say think, or do.
(A) disenchanted (B) peeved (C) assuaged (D) beguiled (E) nonplussed
8、The slogan "What goes up must come down" was so universally accepted by economists that it was considered
(A) a conjecture (B) an axiom (C) a fad (D) a testimonial (E) an argument
9、Sally, thoroughly convinced of her own importance, often acts without ---: she feels no guilt for example, about appropriating her brother`s possessions.
(A) compunction (B) gratification (C) aplomb (D) indignation (E) inducement
10、Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker leaves an -- impression on audiences: children especially remember the dazzling costumes and stirring music.
(A) amorphous (B) indelible (C) ineffable (D) innocuous (E) inscrutable