在2019年 “希望之星”英語風采展評活動中,來自我校G2C Justin Yan和G9A Richard Zhang同學憑借出色的英語素養(yǎng)和思辨能力,一路過關斬將,經過初賽、復賽、半決賽、決賽,較終在2019年 “希望之星”英語風采展評活動決試盛典上,即上海地區(qū)總決賽中分別獲得小學A組二等獎和初中B組一等獎。讓我們祝賀這兩位同學!
選手專訪—Justin Yan
A:首先非常感謝在比賽過程中給予我?guī)椭睦蠋焸,Ms.D、Ms.Wendy、Ms.Lindsay和Ms. Natalie。他們幫我改稿子、改語法,模擬現場。并且一直給予我勇氣,我這次能獲獎有他們的功勞。
Q: How do you feel about your excellent performance in the English competition?
A: First of all, I would like to thank the teachers who helped me during the competition, Ms. D., Ms. Wendy, Ms. Lindsayand Ms. Natalie. They helped me to revise my script, grammar and simulate the scene. And they have been giving me courage. Because of their help, I finally won the prize.
Q: How do you usually learn English? Can you share it with your classmates?
A: I usually like to read English books andwatch English movies. In the process of watching movies, I try not to rely on Chinese subtitles, but to perceive them according to the plot and try to followthem. It will help to enhance the sense of language. I often communicate with expat teachers in school, so that I can develop my sense of language and learn standard pronunciation skills.
Q: What impressed you most before preparing for this competition?
A: When I was preparing for the preliminary competition, my father and mother disagreed over whether to translate thespeech into Chinese. I had no idea what props I was going to put on stage.Because of the inexperience of the competition, I was lost when met difficulties,but in the end these problems were solved perfectly.
A:緊張是一定會的,主要是怕自己表現不好,讓爸爸媽媽和老師們失望。但是媽媽在臺下一直鼓勵并嘗試緩解我的壓力,我按照她的方法順利完成了自己的演講。(偷偷告訴你們,媽媽讓我把臺下的觀眾當做樂高小人,這樣就不會緊張啦~ ( ̄▽ ̄)/)
Q: Are you nervous in the competition?Where does this tension come from? How did you overcome it?
A: Tension is certain. The main reason isthat I am afraid that I will not perform well and let my parents and teachers down. But my mother always encouraged me and tried to relieve my pressure. If inished my speech with her suggestion and overcame the nervousness.
Q: Did your opponent affect you during the game?
A: The impact is relatively small, becauseI held a learning attitude to participate in the competition, to challenge myself,win or lose is not very important.
Q: What have you learned from participatingin the English Competition?
A: In the future study and life, I wil lwork harder, accumulate this experience, and strive to win glory for the school next time, and gain higher honor. I love science and am interested in robots,so my dream is to enter MIT. I am still studying scratch, EV3 and other programming courses. Learning English is very important to me. I hope that through my own efforts, I can realize this dream in the near future.
聯(lián)系人:歐陽老師 手機:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老師 手機:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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