




  A-Level(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level ),是英國普通中等教育證書考試高級水平課程,也是英國學生的大學入學考試課程。全球超過160個國家和地區(qū)11000多所學校的學生在學習A-Level國際課程,學生憑3門及以上A-Level課程的成績即可申報世界上絕大多數(shù)名牌大學,被譽為全球“金牌教育課程體系”。

  What are A-Levels?

  A-Level (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level) is a high school qualification – advanced level- and it is also the university entrance examination course for British students. Students from more than 11,000 schools in more than 160 countries and regions around the world are presently studying A-level courses. Students can apply for most of the world’s top universities based on their scores of three or more A-level subjects. It is known as one of the best education systems in the world.


  What are the advantages of A-level courses?


  What are the advantages of studying A-level courses at our school?

  1. 我校是三大國際考試委員會授權學校——Edexcel(英國愛德思國家職業(yè)學歷與學術考試機構)、AQA(英國資格評估與認證聯(lián)合會)和CAIE(劍橋大學國際考試委員會)。學生可以多次參加這三種考試,取較高成績。

  Our school has been authorized by three examination committees- Edexcel (Elders National Vocational Education and Academic Examinations), AQA (UK Qualification Assessment and Certification Federation) and CAIE (Cambridge Assessment International Education). Students are allowed to take these examinations multiple times in order to obtain the highest possible scores.

  2. 我校擁有課程組合優(yōu)勢,更符合學生個性化學習的特點,更有利于學生申請大學。

  Our school has the advantage of combining curricula, which is more in line with the characteristics of individualized learning and is more conducive to students who are applying for university entrance.





  What is Vice Principal Liu Peng of the Cambridge High School’s view?

  “Parents, through this introduction of our A-Level courses, I believe you will be impressed by A-levels. As the head of the High School in Cambridge, I would like to invite all parents to choose our A-level courses.

  In this way, our students develop good learning habits. Teachers and students get to know each other well and teachers can help students to learn in a targeted way. I personally have had the experience of helping students to apply to world-class universities.

  For example, I once helped a student from Zhejiang Province, Huang, to gain admission to Cambridge University. His IELTS score was only 6.5, and he was the only student that year who received an offer from Cambridge with a score of 6.5. I had helped him to develop his ability of independent thinking. It turned out that he was very diligent and careful. He was bold enough to send an email to the professor at the university to discuss a problem. His thoughtfulness and eagerness to study impressed Cambridge during the application process. His deep thinking and unique perspective was the main reason for his admission to Cambridge University.

  The story shows that it is not enough to merely educate students to achieve a good academic performance, because Cambridge does not lack students with high scores. It is students with their own unique abilities or skills who are the kind of people that top university would be looking for. To help your child to be such a person, is exactly what our school’s educators are good at doing. So we welcome you to our high school….


  What is Principal Liu Wang’s view?

  “As an educator, I value the development of students’ abilities more than grades or scores. So in the Science Month in March, we allowed students to experience multiculturalism and encouraged them to think independently. In the study tours (field trips) in April, we let the students break away from the familiar, get rid of dependence, exercise the abilities of an independent life, oral communication and to take care of oneself in a new environment. Also allowing students the freedom to develop their own character and strengthen their time management skills- these abilities are the foundation of a child’s happy life, and this educational concept will be continued into our high school department.


  In this information lecture for parents, Li, a student from grade eight, had his parents send a message to school: “After listening to this class, found that A-level helps to cultivate all aspects of a child. After listening to the speeches of the two school leaders, I suddenly realized that education must follow a continuous pathway; knowledge must gradually converge into culture; little by little, culture condenses into education, which in turn permeates the student’s education and life. In a word, parent information sessions are very good. We anticipate more lectures, home-school cooperation, so that our students will improve more and more and our parents too!



 聯(lián)系人:歐陽老師 手機:17310788597  微信:Anne8597

     江老師 手機:18017921033  微信:jiangyue2046

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