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國際學校網(wǎng)    http://    2015年01月19日


1、Every business organisation faces the problem of satisfying wants. 

   What is the reason why wants are not fully satisfied?  

A   An economy can only produce a limited amount of goods and services. 

B  Governments cannot print enough money to pay for goods and services. 

C  There is an over-production of goods and services by business organisations. 

D  Workers are too skilled for the requirements of the jobs available. 

2、A university rejects 2000 qualified applicants who wish to study there.  

  What factor of production could have caused the university to make this decision? 

A infinite quantity of capital   B scarcity of labour 

C surplus of land     D unlimited supply of enterprise  

3、How are economic decisions determined in a pure market system? 

A by a mixture of market forces and government regulation 

B by central planners of production and consumption 

C by government regulation of the price mechanism  

D by the forces of demand and supply  

4、A group of workers in a firm join a trade union. 

      What would the union be expected to do?  

A arrange for labour-saving technology to be introduced 

B discuss safety issues in the workplace with the employer  

C ensure job security by promoting the firm’s products through advertising 

D negotiate new contracts with major buyers of the firm’s products  

5、Drought in African countries often results in poor harvests. Other countries then help by sending quantities of food.  

  What are the likely results of these events for the price of food in the drought-affected countries? 

A It will fall and then rise.                   B It will rise and continue to rise.  

C It will rise and remain at this higher level. D It will rise and then fall.  

6、Which person would wish to encourage the use of the market system? 

A someone who believes that people should have equal living standards 

B someone who believes that people should have freedom of action 

C someone who believes that profit maximisation is wrong 

D someone who believes that the government should correct peoples’ bad behaviour 

7、What is an example of an external cost? 

A a company’s transport costs 

B the cost of bringing about a merger  

C the cost of buying components from suppliers  

D the cost of industrial pollution

8、Which motive is most likely to increase the wish to open a savings account?  

A to have cash immediately available 

B to prepare for future expenditure 

C to satisfy essential needs  

D to widen present consumption choices 

9、Share prices on the stock market are most likely to rise if  

A employment falls.  B interest rates fall. 

C interest rates rise.  D tax rates rise.  

10、The ways of making and receiving payments continue to develop. As well as cash, debit cards and credit cards, mobile (cell) phones are now being used to make payments. 

    Which method of paying for products provides no information to sellers about their customers?  

  A cash   B debit cards  C credit  cards  D mobile (cell) phones 

來源:國際學校網(wǎng) 本頁網(wǎng)址:http:///igcse/zhenti/3875.html


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