嘉德圣瑪麗蘇州學(xué)校是美國較好寄宿學(xué)校Shattuck-St. Mary's School(SSM)在中國蘇州的分校。學(xué)校地處上海與蘇州交界地帶,坐落于千年歷史文化名鎮(zhèn)—蘇州市吳江區(qū)同里古鎮(zhèn),占地面積近百畝,為原同里中學(xué)舊址。
國際學(xué)校網(wǎng)()就國際學(xué)校的發(fā)展訪談了嘉德圣瑪麗蘇州學(xué)校校長Gregg Maloberti。
Gregg Maloberti 嘉德圣瑪麗蘇州學(xué)校校長;美國常青藤名校賓夕法尼亞大學(xué)教育學(xué)博士, 從教三十余年, 具有豐富的教學(xué)經(jīng)驗(yàn)和卓越的管理才能。曾在名列美國寄宿學(xué)校前茅的Lawrenceville學(xué)校(毗鄰普林斯頓大學(xué))任職15年,2014-2016在香港加拿大國際學(xué)校擔(dān)任校長。
Dr. Gregg Maloberti holds a Doctorate in Educational Leadership at the University of Pennsylvania. With over 30 years of work in education, Dr. Maloberti has rich leadership experience and excellent management talents. Dr. Maloberti has served as the Dean of Admission at several of America’s oldest and finest schools including Lawrenceville School in New Jersey for 15 years and as Head of School of the Canadian International School of Hong Kong from 2014 to 2016.
1、In the near 10 years, what is the development trend of international schools in China?
The growth trend of international schools in China is currently tied to the demand of students who wish to study abroad for College and University. The growth of existing international schools and establishment of new ones are both a result of students and parents who seek an alternative curriculum and learning experience from the traditional exam based path of Zhong Kao and Gao Kao. International schools are providing more diverse learning experiences and embracing more student centered teaching strategies with the goal of helping students to develop more fully their personal abilities and potential. Content based learning that leads to college admission based on exam scores serves some students well, but many other students would prefer to find a school that supports the growth and development of their individual talents rather than preparing them for an exam on topics and subjects about which they may not be passionate. International schools are providing a new opportunity that allows Chinese students to follow their dreams and express their creativity.
2、What are the current situation, bottlenecks and challenges in international schools?
The challenge for international schools is to convince students and parents of the value of an international education that prepares a Chinese student to study overseas. The tuition cost born by parents is higher for both school and college, so parents are naturally skeptical. Parents who themselves have studied or worked overseas are often more open to the idea of international school, and as the children of those parents come of age, there is likely to be more demand for international schools in China.
3、What are the differences between an international school and a traditional school? (I think by ‘traditional’ they mean ‘public’)
Traditional Chinese Schools embrace the Chinese national and local curricula and prepare students for the Gao Kao to compete for admission to Chinese Universities. There are two kinds of international schools, both teach an international curriculum that prepares students for study overseas, but international schools will either serve only the children who hold foreign passports and a limited number of Chinese Nationals or they will serve primarily children who are Chinese Nationals. Also, some Gao Kao schools offer an international program in addition to the Gao Kao curriculum.
4、Many schools with advantages for brand promotion are actively running branch campuses now. What are your opinions about the problems and solutions in the brand output of international schools?
International schools that carry a foreign brand face the challenge of ensuring that the learning experience offered here in China is as rich and rigorous as the partner school overseas. Chinese schools that maintain active relationships with their namesake schools and embraces the curriculum and management strategy of the overseas school are more likely to be successful in providing a learning experience that is of equal quality. Also, branded schools that are actively managed by an administration selected and supported by the overseas partner school are most effective at delivering an educational experience that is equal in quality and character to the one offered by the overseas school.
5、International schools all have their own features. What are the features of your school?
SSM-SZ will provide a unique learning space and strategy we call WeCreate Studios. Here students will explore their individual talents and passions in a project based learning environment that is focused on skill development and creative expression rather than assessment based learning. Whether in a digital photo studio or a writing studio, or even an animation or design studio, SSM-SZ students have a unique opportunity to learn by doing, making, and creating from their imagination rather than tracing the well worn path of a book based, assessment driven, ordinary school curriculum. Like every other great school, SSM-SZ values foundational learning and core knowledge content, but the difference is that learning experiences like weCreat Studios give our students a chance to apply what they learn while the knowledge is fresh and relevant, rather than waiting until college or even later.
6、Some parents think international school tuition fee is too high. What’s your opinion?
The price of an international education is higher than schools that rely on domestic teachers and local resources. The cost of international schools are driven by the comparatively higher costs of employing foreign teachers, accessing international curriculum and textbooks, offering smaller classes, and providing specialized learning spaces and programs. These expensive features improve the quality of the educational experience. Children's learning opportunities are enhanced by these features. All parents wants the best opportunity for their children, so even though international schools are expensive, many parents are willing to pay the higher fees in order to give their children the greatest opportunity for success.
7、Some parents believe that an international curriculum is mainly about foreign teachers and English language training. Apart from language training and exams, what do you think an international curriculum should bring to students?
Parents often measure the quality of international schools based on the percentage of foreign teachers and results on exams that measure language training. What's more important are the underlying features of the curriculum. Parents will be better served to ask more detailed questions about the teaching and learning process rather than compare the number of the foreign teachers or rank schools based on exam results. By learning more about the teaching philosophy, curricular aims, and classroom structures parents can make better informed decisions about which school is right for their child.