The International Division, together with IB, integrates Chinese curriculum standards in accordance with international school standards, offering primary and junior school bilingual integration courses, high school IBDP courses, providing all of our students with opportunities to pursue academic and personal excellence in international community environments.
Peking university experimental School ( jinxing) Mission Statement ( PYP )
The mission of PKUEK is to provide its students with the opportunities, resources, instruction, and environment to develop creativity and a globally-minded character through an international school curriculum that embraces Chinese and Western culture that helps them to become lifelong learners and involved citizens in a changing, global society.
本校同文部小學于2018年9月成為IB PYP候選學校。
The Elementary Department of International Devision became the PYP candidate school in September, 2018.
北大附屬嘉興實驗學校國際部小學 2019-2020探究計劃
PKUES International Division ES 2019-2020 Program of Inquiry
初中一年級 Grade 7
高中一年級 Grade 10
聯(lián)系人:歐陽老師 手機:17310788597 微信:Anne8597
江老師 手機:18017921033 微信:jiangyue2046
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